Work has been very hectic for the past 2 months. Some targets met but it's not up to my expectation. More improvements to come but running out of time. Today is the last day of September. Q4 is around the corner. October is the month where your superiors give your final points on your performance for the whole year and it determines your bonus and increments. How to work more efficiently? How to achive target in a short period of time? How to work in an effieicnt way and get results immediately? What about the relationship with colleagues? Our department used to be very united but I felt the change last week. It is because we need time to be normal again or it will continue to be like this? It is because we have a new teamlead? It is because big boss was not around for 6 weeks? I am actually feeling stress not because of workload only but partly because colleague cum friend has become alien for the past one week. Am feeling so lost and confused at the same time. Recharged for the last 2 days and hope this week will be a better week. Trying my best to work hard, to help the bosses (and myself definately) to complete some of the projects and make sure our house is clean and tidy so that we will be confident when there are visitors. Cheer up Jojo! Q4 will be good to you. Fingers crossed!