Monday, June 27, 2011


Do cherish the people, especially your love ones around you. This is what I've been asking myself to do these few years. Human being does not live very long in this world eventhough their age reaches 100. Time flies as fast as lightning. So, by the time you realise, many years have past and there is no turning back time. When the time comes, people need to leave this world and the memories will be left with the people who are still alive. Eventually, these group of people will leave one day too.

I had lost 6 close relatives since 6 years old. First was my maternal grandfather, my dad's eldest sister (also my god-mother), my dad (10 years already), maternal grandmother (5 years maybe), paternal grandfather (3 and 1/2 years I think) and paternal grandmother (14 days ago).

I have no idea why I have such bad memory. I tend to forget these people year by year. Not sure whether I'm getting older or I just couldn't be bothered to sit down and recall them. Seriously, it's been so long I did not dream of daddy already. Does that mean that he already forgotten about me ? Or is it because I'm a bad daughter once so he doesn't want to forgive me ? Or he knew that I'm married so he no longer worry about me anymore ?

Live is short. So, life to the fullest ! Do appreciate people around you especially the elderly. They can be quite naggy sometimes. Just think positive and don't forget that you will grow as old as them one day. Hence, you will be as naggy as them too. Life is a circle. What goes around, comes around.

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